Career Cluster(s):

  1. Health Science
    The jobs in this cluster help people with their physical and mental concerns. Occupational examples include Dental Assistant, Doctor, and Pharmacist.
  2. Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
    The careers in this cluster are concerned with bringing food and fiber products to the consumer, including production, processing, research, conservation, and government regulation. Occupational examples include Food Scientist, Rancher, and Geologist
  3. Architecture and Construction
    The careers in this cluster help design, plan, build, and fix things. Occupational examples include Interior Designer, Bulldozer, Operator, and Electrician.
  4. Arts, Audio/Visual Technology and Communications
    The careers in this cluster help make, create and/or communicate ideas and thoughts through performing arts, design, or journalism. Occupational examples include Actor/Actress, Sportscaster, and Florist.
  5. Business, Management, and Administration
    The careers in this cluster help plan, organize and evaluate businesses and industries. Occupational examples include Accountant, Company President (CEO) and Court Reporter.
  6. Finance
    The careers in this cluster provide financial and investment planning, banking, and insurance services. Occupational examples include Revenue Agent (IRS), Auditor, and Loan Officer.
  7. Government and Public Administration
    The careers in this cluster help perform government functions at the local, state, and federal levels. Occupational examples include Senator, Postal Clerk, and Election Supervisor
  8. Hospitality and Tourism
    The careers in this cluster provide services for others through travel planning, hospitality services in hotels, restaurants, and recreation. Occupational examples include Event Planner, Executive Chef, and Recreation Director.
  9. Education and Training
    The careers in this cluster help people learn about themselves and the world around them. Occupational examples include Training Specialist, Media Specialist, and Teacher.
  10. Human Services
    The careers in this cluster help family and individuals through counseling and related services. Occupational examples include Childcare Worker, Social Worker, and Funeral Director.
  11. Information Technology
    The careers in this cluster help design, develop, support, and manage hardware, software, and multimedia systems. Occupation examples include Computer Programmer, Web Designer, and Animator.
  12. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
    The jobs in this cluster discover new ways to solve problems, provide scientific research, and technical support. Occupational examples include Aerospace Engineer, Oceanographer, and Laser Technician.
  13. Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
    The careers in this cluster provide legal and protective services for people and property. Occupational examples include FBI Agent, Judge, and Rescue Worker.
  14. Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
    The careers in this cluster help move people and/or things by road, pipeline, air, railroad, and/or water. Occupational examples include Motorcycle Mechanic, Air Traffic Controller, and Railroad Engineer.
  15. Manufacturing
    The careers in this cluster help with changing raw materials into useful products, services, and/or repair of machines or products. Occupational examples include Engineering Technician, Welder, and Design Engineer
  16. Marketing, Sales, and Service
    The careers in this cluster deal with selling or marketing products (goods)S and services (something that is done). Occupational examples include Sales Engineer, Retail Salesperson, and Advertising Manager.