Computer Engineering
Associated Project Areas:
STEM: Computers
- Program Projects
- (Online Name):
- (Program Project Description): Learn about hardware and software; Discuss Internet safety; Create and save data; Use Internet search engines; Take apart a computer; Participate in a chat room; Create a newspaper or magazine; Build your own computer system; Design a Web site; Develop a multimedia presentation; Use spreadsheets
- (Knowledge Level): Beginner (A)
- (Knowledge Level Description):
- (Knowledge Level): Intermediate (B)
- (Knowledge Level Description):
- (Knowledge Level): Advanced (C)
- (Knowledge Level Description):
STEM: Computers
- Learning Objectives
- Knowledge Levels
STEM: Robotics
- Program Projects
- (Online Name):
- (Program Project Description): Discover the design and functions of robotic arms; Build a robotic arm that moves; Explore robot movement, power transfer, and locomotion; Design and build machines the roll, slide, draw or move underwater; Make the connection between the mechanical and electronic elements of robots; Explore sensors, write programs, build circuits and design your own robot; Use commercial robotics kits to explore the world of robotics; Learn to program your robot using sensors, loops and conditional statements
- (Knowledge Level): Beginner (A)
- (Knowledge Level Description):
- (Knowledge Level): Intermediate (B)
- (Knowledge Level Description):
- (Knowledge Level): Advanced (C)
- (Knowledge Level Description):
STEM: Robotics
- Learning Objectives
- Knowledge Levels